{"id":1366,"date":"2023-07-25T07:28:21","date_gmt":"2023-07-25T07:28:21","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/?p=1366"},"modified":"2024-02-15T14:43:06","modified_gmt":"2024-02-15T14:43:06","slug":"top-100-people-in-accounting","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/top-100-people-in-accounting\/","title":{"rendered":"Top 100 people in Accounting"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

As part of this year\u2019s Top 100 Most Influential People survey, Accounting Today asked, \u201cWhat one thing would you recommend accountants do to prepare for the future?\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n\n\n\n

The full responses of all the candidates are below.<\/em><\/p>\n\n\n\n

It can be too easy to get caught up in the hectic nature of everyday work-life, but it\u2019s critical to take the time to listen to your clients, mentors and peers and to take every opportunity to learn from them along the way. Remember to stop, listen and learn.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Regardless of your profession, remember that a career is a journey, not a destination. Commit to becoming a life-long learner and place a high value on building positive relationships with a diverse group of people. As technology enables us to work from anywhere, it is easy to lose site of the value of human interaction. It\u2019s all about balance. Professionals who take advantage of the modern way of working can also learn from the more tenured professionals who can share best practices on a range of topics.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Firms need to embrace technology, not for technology\u2019s sake, but to drive progress, growth and to better serve their clients.
\u2014 Karen Abramson, CEO, Wolters Kluwer, Tax & Accounting Global Division<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

All accountants should invest the time in tech-savvy skills so they can build upon their foundational skillset of accounting and auditing with skills that allow them to better understand the technologies being deployed by their clients as well as the impact technology is, or could have, on their clients\u2019 business models. It will also allow them to increase their ability to leverage technology and large data sets in the execution of an audit, apply critical thinking to analyze large data sets across clients and industries, and provide the ability to clearly articulate their findings.
\u2014 Lara Abrash, Chairman and CEO, Deloitte & Touche LLP<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

In one word: Innovate. You have to be a continuous learner throughout your career, you must embrace technology, and you need to be forward-looking and agile to succeed in today\u2019s marketplace.
\u2014 Joe Adams, Managing Partner and CEO, RSM US<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Don\u2019t let manual processes suck you dry. Technology is now able to do many simple tasks in accounting and, increasingly, it\u2019s able to take on increasingly complex tasks. Focus on the strategic initiatives that will differentiate you as automation and artificial intelligence continue to play a bigger role in accounting.
\u2014Chen Amit, CEO, Tipalti<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Become technology sponges. Embrace technology and explore avenues that can positively impact what accountants do on a daily basis to help their clients \u2014 whether they are internal clients for those in industry or their firm\u2019s clients if in public accounting. Look at technology as a way to unburden the profession from those things that were uninspiring anyway, that can free up time to use our higher-level skills, knowledge and talents.
\u2014 Alan Anderson, President and founder, Accountability Plus<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Listen to a podcast on AI and transformative technologies, subscribe to newsletters such as Abundance360 to see what\u2019s at the edge of Industry 4.0, and be curious about business model transformation.
\u2014 Solon Angel, Founder, MindBridge AI<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

For younger (new accountants) I would recommend that they go for an MBA in order to meet the challenges of the future. For established accountants, continue to learn and stay current with market dynamics and read business books every year.
\u2014 August Aquila, CEO, Aquila Global Advisors<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Aside from investing in technologies to improve efficiencies, accountants should prepare for the future by becoming consultants. Making connections with clients and providing thoughtful counsel is something that technology cannot do (yet), so it\u2019s important to become a well-rounded consultant that can provide the expertise to clients that they are looking for.
\u2014 Tony Argiz, CEO and Chairman, MBAF<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

To prepare for the future ,which requires great adaptability, I would recommend focusing on the development of a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset. The development of new skills and new approaches will be the key driver of future success, and a growth mindset is a critical enabling component.
\u2014 Erik Asgeirsson, President and CEO, CPA.com<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Invest in and cultivate a new generation of employees (read: young). Hands down, the biggest drawback to the shift in technology is the learning curve of employees who have \u201calways done it this way.\u201d By embracing change and creating a culture where digital natives are prized versus patronized, firms can fast-track that adoption by leaps & bounds.
\u2014 Kim Austin, Business Development Manager, Intuit<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

As a profession, we need to shift our mindset on technology \u2014 it\u2019s not a threat, it\u2019s an enabler. We also need to empower emerging talent who bring new skills and perspective to the profession. The average age in LeaseQuery is 29, and almost 40 percent of us are accountants.
\u2014 George Azih, Founder and CEO, LeaseQuery LLC<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Never stop learning. Leaders are readers. Read outside of your profession, and don\u2019t be afraid to challenge the orthodoxies of your profession. And to the young accountants, I would emphasize that below the age of 40-45 are your peak innovation years, as Charles Murray documented in his stunning book, \u201cHuman Accomplishment.\u201d I like what Francis Bacon wrote in \u201cOf Youth and Age,\u201d in 1625:<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u201cYoung men are fitter to invent, than to judge; and fitter for new projects than for settled business. Men of age object too much, consult too long, adventure too little, repent too soon, and seldom drive business home to the full period, but content themselves with a mediocrity of success.\u201d
\u2014 Ron Baker, Founder, VeraSage Institute<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

CPAs must understand the changing nature of the profession as it becomes increasingly technology-oriented. Leaning harder into data analytics in all its practice areas can build the partners businesses need in the 21st century. Strategizing what comes next is vital, as technology will dominate the profession in ways we don\u2019t yet see.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Further, as the profession becomes increasingly open to traditionally marginalized populations such as women and people of color, firms would do well to focus on diversity in their own staff, not as a simple compliance exercise but as a way to deliver genuine value to their clients.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Finally, as demands for corporate responsibility grow in multiple dimensions, CPAs should be more willing to deliver hard truths to their clients regarding the impact of their practices and what they can do to improve.
\u2014 Joanne Barry, Executive Director and CEO, New York State Society of CPAs<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

They need to let go of every vestige of the past. Everything we do, from hiring to training to services delivery to the client experience, has to change \u2026 rapidly.
\u2014 Tom Barry, Managing Partner, Green Hasson Janks<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Stay informed of new technology and upgrade your technology accordingly. Learn from the next generation and prepare to pass along your practice to them.
\u2014David Bergstein, Digital Evangelist, Intuit and BergsteinCPA<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Be a lifelong learner and teacher. Be willing to get up every morning, open and willing to share something new with your colleagues or learn a new process or idea that will make you more valuable in your profession.
\u2014 Michael Bernard, Chief Tax Officer \u2014 Transaction Tax, Vertex Inc.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

In a profession that\u2019s evolving quickly, start to have a more critical-thinking mindset. Be curious and embrace what the future holds for the industry. Building and maintaining relationships both inside and outside of your organization will always be a valued skill. This is truly the epitome of the professional services industry no matter how progressive the future is. Focus on developing your leadership skills and both your emotional and digital quotients to be a trusted advisor to your clients.
\u2014 Wayne Berson, CEO, BDO USA<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Take back control over client accounting and your client relationships.
\u2014 Chandra Bhansali, CEO and Co-Founder, AccountantsWorld<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Remember that any organization is only as good as the capacity of the employees to learn and apply.
\u2014 Sharada Bhansali, President and Co-Founder, AccountantsWorld<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Current and future certified accountants will require a robust knowledge and understanding of information technology and data analytics, particularly as applied in the attest practice space. The increased reliance on data-driven audit and attest procedures will require signers to know what happens in the \u201cblack box.\u201d
\u2014 Ken Bishop, President and CEO, NASBA<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Stop the fear talk that technology and AI is going to take our jobs away.
\u2014 Jason Blumer, CEO, Blumer CPAs and Thriveal CPA Network<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Read and join a peer group for access to expertise, accountability and exponential thinking. Get outside your firm in order to think-plan-grow.
\u2014 L. Gary Boomer, Visionary & Strategist, Boomer Consulting Inc.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Commit to life-long learning. Whether you read books, subscribe to podcasts or get outside your own four walls to participate in peer networking groups, you must continue to learn in order to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world.
\u2014 Jim Boomer, CEO, Boomer Consulting Inc.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Change your hiring process and look to bring in team members that look and feel different than the historical hires. In the past you would check the box with an accounting degree. I don\u2019t discount that accounting degree, but instead supplement it with dual majors like those with a focus in technology, artificial intelligence, engineering, etc. It is going to take many different skillsets to service the clients of the future. Firms need to be investing in talent today.
\u2014 Jim Bourke, Managing Director of Advisory Services, WithumSmith+Brown<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Understand the algorithms and be the gatekeepers of information.
\u2014Jennifer Briggs, President and CEO, Indiana Society of CPAs<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

It is important that as accountants, we prepare for the pros and cons of the increased use of technology in business as well as ensure that we are keeping ourselves updated on the current issues surrounding cyber crime. Accountants are simply targets. As the criminals become smarter and more technologies are being developed, we will only become more at risk if we don\u2019t make changes to our own policies and procedures to protect ourselves and our clients from identity theft and all other areas of fraud.
\u2014 Dawn Brolin, EVP of Business Development and Compliance, Powerful Accounting powered by Out of the Box Technology<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Get on the artificial intelligence train now
\u2014 Paul Caron, Dean, Pepperdine University School of Law<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

The future will require an innate understanding of technology and how it can impact and change organizations. It will take courage to embrace and adapt to technological change, but it is only by embracing technology that we will be prepared to meet the future. Indeed, as more and more technology is leveraged in the execution of our responsibilities, the ways we do our work will change dramatically. Becoming more data-driven and digitally enabled means that we must develop a transformational mindset. Engaging with experts and enhancing skills through technology-relevant training are just a couple of ways to aid in this pursuit. One thing is clear: We cannot afford to rely on processes that fail to account for how demands on the profession are changing.
\u2014 Richard Chambers, President and CEO, Institute of Internal Auditors<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accountants should realize that technology is no longer an option in their profession. Tech savviness is a necessity to retain existing clients and gain Gen Z clients growing up in the gig economy. To be a successful firm in the future, accounting firms need to act like a technology firm that happens to be in accounting field, rather than an accounting firm that wants to embrace technology.
\u2014 Shehan Chandrasekera, Head of Tax Strategy, CoinTracker<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Embrace the latest technology and adopt a mindset of continuous learning. Change and adaptation are not optional \u2014 they are a daily necessity! Solid English\/communication skills are a must as well!
\u2014 David Cieslak, EVP and Chief Cloud Officer, RKL eSolutions<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Learn from other industries that have gone through change and embrace it. We are not the first once to face this amount of disruption, so what can we learn from transportation, lodging and other industries who faced new competition unlike anything they pictured?
\u2014 Lauren Clemmer, Executive Director, Association for Accounting Marketing<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

My advice for professionals looking to grow their career in the accounting industry is to understand what clients want and what accountants do. In my opinion, clients want a confidant, someone who can help them improve their business and help them achieve their personal financial goals. To do this, they need to spend time becoming reak consultants.
Our industry, unfortunately, provides information on a company\u2019s performance (i.e., financial statements and tax returns) too many months after the fact, instead of in real time, when it could be utilized to improve the business. The nature of the accounting industry\u2019s traditional reporting system puts most businesses at a disadvantage, especially for small and midsized, privately owned businesses. By learning a client\u2019s industry and the ins and outs of their business, you can begin to offer valuable, timely advice on how to best meet their business and personal financial goals.
\u2014 Joel Cooperman, CEO, Citrin Cooperman & Co.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Bring technology front and center, at the very epicenter of their business strategy.
\u2014 Gale Crosley, President, Crosley+Co.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Develop a solid strategy and a written plan for change that addresses new technology and the next generation of people entering the workforce \u2014 both at their firms and on the client side. You would be amazed by how many firms don\u2019t have any kind of formal, written plan to address this critical need.
\u2014 Kevin Cumley, Director \u2014 Sage Intacct Accountants Program, Sage Intacct<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Without a doubt \u2014 embrace technology. The impacts of technology on business and government are rapid and profound. Our profession is no different. Disruption is here, and more is coming.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Cybersecurity and data in particular are the most promising areas for professional accountants to add value today.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Professional accountants can be particularly important in anticipating ransomware threats, measuring the potential costs of breaches and data theft, and setting policies for minimizing risks from breaches.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

When it comes to data, accountants understand what makes information useful for decision-making. We are well-versed in core financial reporting principles of relevance, reliability, completeness, and accuracy. With a strong foundation in principles of what contributes to value, accountants can lead the way to ensure data is subject to a governance framework.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accountants need to add value in way that we hadn\u2019t imagined 10 years ago. Whether it\u2019s in these disciplines or others, we need to embrace change and master new skills for the digital economy.
\u2014 Kevin Dancey, CEO, IFAC<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Right now is the ideal time for those auditors who want to be at the forefront of their profession to learn the details of emerging technologies that will soon change their audit testing and programs \u2014 not only that, but they should also begin contributing to education and development. Because emerging technology will also eventually change requisite skills, this interdisciplinary new job description will be an opportunity for professionals to be both competent in auditing while also helping innovate the profession. My advice: Don\u2019t ever become stagnant, even if you remain in the same industry, with the same company, or in the same job. It\u2019s easy to become complacent, but because everything changes so quickly, you must be capable of reinventing yourself at least every 10 years to avoid becoming obsolete. Constantly challenging yourself helps.
\u2014 Avani Desai, President, Schellman & Co.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Learn to be a more effective business advisor. Technology will shrink the amount of routine work many accountants do today, but there will always be a need for accountants who can provide business insights to their clients and help them make sense of the immense amount of data that is available today. Work to make your knowledge and advice indispensable to your clients. It\u2019s the best way to remain relevant.
\u2014Ted Dickman, CEO and Governing Board Chair, BKD CPAs & Advisors<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Embrace technology, but use it to develop deeper and more meaningful relationships with your clients, not just to augment staff.
\u2014 Sarah Dobek, President and Founder, Inovautus Consulting<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

My recommendation to auditors and accountants for the future is to embrace the fact that change is inevitable and rapid, and as such we need to be comfortable with constant re-skilling and re-inventing ourselves. Change is not comfortable but discomfort breads creativity and creativity and innovation will secure our valued role in our world.
\u2014 Bob Dohrer, Chief Auditor, AICPA<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Commit to being lifelong learners and be open to diverse perspectives and thinking. One of the benefits of joining a firm like KPMG is that there are learning opportunities everywhere. Stay current on new technologies and effective ways to use data, changes in business models and the technology supporting those business models, how regulation affects the financial reporting landscape, how business and the markets are capitalizing on disruption, and so on. Continuous learning will ensure you\u2019re always adding value to your organization, teams and clients.
\u2014 Lynne Doughtie, Chairman and CEO, KMPG<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Review the various emerging technologies and choose one to develop advanced knowledge in, and a secondary one to have a little less depth, but be conversant across all of them. I would also recommend at least two hours each work on learning new competencies. It also helps to network with AICPA and state CPA Societies, attend conferences, webcasts, and join the various communities on social media.
\u2014 Kimberly Ellison-Taylor, Executive Director \u2014 Finance Thought Leadership, Oracle, Cloud Business Group<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Develop the skills and credentials that enables an accountant to provide solutions to the challenges facing entrepreneurs and business owners.
\u2014 Domenick Esposito, CEO, Esposito CEO2CEO, LLC<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Add flexibility and adaptability to your list of skillsets.
\u2014 Kim Fantaci, President, CPA Firm Management Association<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Technological advancements are improving on a daily basis. As a profession, we need to embrace these changes and utilize them to take away some of the more mechanical aspects. This leaves us more time to do more analytics of the return, of the financials, to add more value to our clients.
\u2014 Neil Fishman. President, NCCPAP<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Things are changing so quickly in our world \u2014 whether business, technology, geo-political \u2014 that I think the best thing accountants and auditors can do is train themselves to be open to change. Honing critical and analytic thinking will help us all prepare for whatever the future brings.
\u2014 Cindy Fornelli, Immediate Past Executive Director, Center for Audit Quality<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Start doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing. Mergers are adding service lines, industries, and geographic reach \u2014 creating large, homogenous firms that are rapidly commoditizing the industry. Accounting leaders need to think smaller. While the giants broaden their service offerings, I recommend going deeper with fewer, specialized services.
\u2014 Lee Frederiksen, Managing Partner, Hinge<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

I would recommend that accountants educate themselves to prepare for the day when the classic accountant skillset that they learned in school will be replaced by readily accessible technology. That day is almost here. This can be done by learning to offer ancillary services, including consulting and specialized offerings such as business valuation, business continuity planning, and tech stack consulting.
\u2014 Esther Friedberg Karp, President and CEO, EFK CompuBooks Inc.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accountants need to make a list of skills they are strong in and hire people with the skills sets where they lack. They need to recruit and train their teams to help build the firm they want to become and not maintain the firm they have been. Accountants need to dream up their ideal firm and clients, and work each day to accomplish that dream. We all work better when we understand our \u201cwhy\u201d and know \u201cwho\u201d we are doing the work for.
\u2014 Arthur Garcia, President and COO, ATAX<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Learn how to have a finger on the pulse about what our customers\u2019 needs are; their needs will always be evolving based on their industry, environmental factors, current available technologies, and personal goals. Learning the skill of reading between the lines of what the customers tell us what they need, and proactively innovating to serve customers this way, is the only way to prepare for any future at any point in time.
\u2014 Hector Garcia, CEO, Quick Bookkeeping & Accounting<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Don\u2019t try to conform to an antiquated accountant stereotype that isn\u2019t true. So many of us allow professionalism to suffocate our personality because we\u2019re trying to act like what we think an accountant should be. Except you are the accountant, so act like you. Recognize that you have expertise above and beyond your college degrees and certifications. Expertise gained through the unique perspectives each individual has because of their outside-of-work hobbies and passions can be a real asset to any firm or organization
\u2014 John Garrett, comedian, consultant and \u201cRecovering Accountant\u201d<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Keep pace with changes in financial reporting technology \u2014 and never stop learning.
\u2014 Russell Golden, Chairman, FASB<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

View their work differently. View projects from the perspective of outcomes for customers instead of their myopic perspective: tasks, activities and inputs.
\u2014 Michelle Golden River, President, Fore<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Embrace technology. Technology has changed how we do virtually everything in our lives, including accounting, and this will only increase in the future. By harnessing the power of tech innovations \u2014 whether that\u2019s working in the cloud, taking advantage of automation or using third-party apps \u2014 accountants are able to eliminate time spent on tedious tasks, like manual data entry, giving them more time to act as strategic advisors to their clients. By embracing new ways of working and the opportunities that technology provides, accountants will be able to future-proof their businesses in an impactful way.
\u2014 Sasan Goodarzi, CEO, Intuit<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Learn more about business and all of the operational areas and potential needs, stay on top of technology, embrace the unknown instead of fighting it. Surround yourself with smart people.
\u2014 Angie Grissom, President, The Rainmaker Companies<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Read and view content from diverse perspectives, including those you disagree with.
\u2014 Thomas Groskopf, Technical Director, AICPA Center for Plain English Accounting<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Develop skills to add value in a world in which data is increasingly available through alternative channels and in unstructured ways.
\u2014 Jeffrey Hales, Chairman, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

With technology automating more of the routine accounting activities, accountants need to broaden their education and experience across more business functions. It\u2019s also important to note that understanding, measuring, and planning performance is moving beyond financial measures. Organizations are embracing integrated reporting \u2014 broadening their view of value creation and including more stakeholders. The most successful accounting and finance leaders are experts in both their profession and in their markets.
\u2014 Aaron Harris, CTO, Sage<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Learn more than just accounting and tax. For us to remain relevant we need to bring more skill and knowledge to the table than we thought we needed when we got into this profession. At a minimum we need to be more tech-savvy.
\u2014 Roger Harris, President and COO, Padgett Business Services<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Stay in tune with the problems of your customers. No matter what things shift and move in the future, solving the problems of your customers will always bring value and keep you relevant. Our customers are more willing than ever to admit where they do not have knowledge\/strength and want to fill those gaps. If we can stay in touch with the problems they face, and where our value connects with those issues, the relationship will thrive.
\u2014 William Hill, Product Manager, Tax Professionals Advisory, Thomson Reuters<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

L>C2<\/sup>. Period. In a world of rapid change and increasing competition, the winners will be those who can keep their rate of learning greater than the rate of change and greater than the competition. This is true for organizations as well as individuals.
\u2014 Tom Hood, CEO, Maryland Association of CPAs and Business Learning Institute<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accountants need to be prepared for continuous learning to be equipped to adapt to our ever-more-rapidly changing technological and cultural environment. I think this is of particular importance for accountants because by nature, most of us like to have concrete, definitive answers; we need to accept the grey and be willing and able to find a new path through it.
\u2014 Laurie Lambert Hopkins. Partner, UHY<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Immerse yourself in the increasingly complex world of the digitization of tax and indirect tax determinations. Non-compliance is not an option for businesses, and they will need experts to offer consultation and strategy to avoid steep penalties.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

That change won\u2019t be easy, though. It will require accountants to both master the fundamentals of traditional accounting and learn new skills. To be successful, accountants will have to learn about the new technologies that will shape the profession \u2014 and expand their knowledge of the businesses they support so they can advise on the higher-order problems businesses now face.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

It is only a matter of time before more governments around the world will catch up to their peers when it comes to calculating and collecting taxes in real-time. This shift toward continuous compliance is transforming business at every point in the supply chain. Rather than viewing these new tax compliance requirements as a burden, however, many companies are finding the increased visibility into their financial transactions worldwide grants them greater security against fraud and limits their exposure to audit risk.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accountants who understand and practice safeguards and stay up to date on regulatory changes will be valuable assets to companies that can rest easier knowing they have a system to ease the burden of complex tax determination, digital tax reporting and e-invoicing compliance worldwide.
\u2014 Andy Hovancik, President and CEO, Sovos<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

I believe firms need to modify their overall strategy, partner roles, hiring practices, staff training and even succession activities to support the changing business model. Additionally, firms need to aggressively invest in technology to stay competitive, make their processes more efficient and provide team members with access to the information they need to properly service clients.
\u2014 Charles Hylan, Shareholder, The Growth Partnership<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Listen to their clients more to build client-centric organizations.
\u2014 Kacee Johnson, Strategic Advisor, CPA.com<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Block time in your weekly calendar to plan and learn something new.
\u2014 Randy Johnston CEO and founder \/ EVP, Network Management Group, Inc. \/ K2 Enterprises<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Blue-sky thinking around transformation. Technology advancements that we have today, particularly around AI, can virtually redefine the finance processes and the accounting profession. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for accountants to define what it would be, so be a participant in it.
\u2014 Anant Kale, Co-Founder and CEO, AppZen<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Understand you are a business leader, agnostic of title or role. (Do that by being a listener, and be curious rather than certain. Ask questions and take in what clients and your people are sharing.)
\u2014 Mari-Anne Kehler, Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer, Green Hasson Janks<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Focus on business information that your clients need to make decisions and learn to utilize the applications and tools to deliver that information to them timely and seamlessly.
\u2014 Roman Kepczyk, Director of Firm Technology Strategy, Right Networks<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Be a talent magnet! … And take advantage of all the digital tools available to increase the efficiency of the compliance work and figure out how you are going to rebrand as an advisory consultant and not a bean counter.
\u2014 Rita Keller, President and CEO, Keller Advisors<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

In a rapidly changing society like we have today, you have to be able to cope with upheaval and change. Try to focus on what\u2019s new and complicated, and try to understand and master the new developments. Once you have developed a clear understanding and comprehensive knowledge, you can provide leadership and assume the role of expert. For example: Tony Nitti has become one of the nation\u2019s top authorities through his mastery of and lucid articles about Section 199A.
\u2014 Sidney Kess, Senior Consultant, Citrin Cooperman<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Change the model for CPE so that is actually about learning new stuff and demonstrating that knowledge. I find it absurd that attendees rate the instructors and that all attendees need to do is prove their butt was attached to a seat. They do not have to prove that they actually learned anything. That ain\u2019t education!
\u2014 Ed Kless, Senior Director, Partner Development and Strategy, Sage<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Don\u2019t hide behind being too busy being busy not to consult and advise your clients on issues that matter. Simply stated, if you stay \u201ctoo busy being busy,\u201d your clients will find other service providers who will advise them on the things that matter.
\u2014 Allan Koltin, CEO, Koltin Consulting Group<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

CPAs need to up-skill with new trends. For example, if you are not familiar with AI, blockchain, crypto or cyber, learn it! No matter what your role, you\u2019ll be able to contribute this knowledge to your organization. Today, organizations mandate their teams to sit through and sign off that they\u2019ve done internal training on security and privacy and\/or sexual harassment. Imagine if these organizations mandated that each person learn one new skill per year.
\u2014 Mark Koziel, EVP of Firm Services, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

We are in a life-long-learning profession. That being said, it\u2019s hard to learn what does not yet exist. Given the significant changes on the horizon, I think we need to do a better job of embracing change and disruption. This means taking calculated risks from time to time, and recognizing that failures along the way are not and will not be fatal.
\u2014 Art Kuesel, President, Kuesel Consulting<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Keep learning. So much is changing in the profession, including technology, that accountants who continue to learn will always have an advantage. Adopt a new technology for your firm every year and incorporate it with all of your processes and clients before adopting the next.
\u2014 Ren\u00e9 Lacerte, CEO and Founder, Bill.com<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Learn to evolve to every changing demands of clients and technology.
\u2014 Michael Law, Director of Tax Solutions, XY Planning Network<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Constantly focus on what value you are creating for clients.
\u2014 David Leary, Co-Host, Cloud Accounting Podcast<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

How can one adequately \u201cprepare\u201d for the unknown of the future? I think by tapping into the curiosity which is innate in us as human beings. To take our firms into the future, we must not be afraid to change. The curiosity comes in where we can seek out new ways to lead firms and to break the mold using blue-ocean thinking. The accountants of the future will have to be technologists in addition to advisors. Knowing how the technology works and the impact it will have on their clients is crucial to be the indispensable advisor.
\u2014 Jen Lemanski, Senior Manager of Practice Growth, PKF Texas<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

I need to clarify the question. Is it young accountants or any accountant? Young accountants need to understand that while being a consultant is key, they need to invest time to understand how to build, interpret and explain basic financial statement construction. I would also advise young accountants to gain as much digital accounting experience as possible. Their future will require technological proficiency to be an accountant.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

For a more mature accountant, specifically aging partners, they need to understand the profession has changed. The time and money they invested when they bought in were based on services that hold a different value today. If they want to exit at a fair price, they need to begin to teach their people how to sell and network and engage their staff in the growth process. Firm leaders claim it is because of a lack of people to do the compliance work, but the reality is they don\u2019t know how to do advisory work themselves and continue to labor on lower-realization compliance work, instead of helping clients build the value of their companies.
\u2014 Bob Lewis, President, The Visionary Group<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Stay aware. As technological advances reshape the profession, CPAs need more than ever to have one eye on the big picture and the other on what’s right in front of them: the specific, day-to-day steps they can take now to position themselves for future success.
\u2014 Julie Bell Lindsay, Executive Director, Center for Audit Quality<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Get comfortable with the unknown and using their expertise and trusted business advisor relationships with clients to help prepare for the future. This requires focusing on the relationship with their team members and clients to collaborate and develop solutions that will be the competitive differentiator.
\u2014 Tamera Loerzel, Partner, ConvergenceCoaching, LLC<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Get as comfortable as possible with cloud-software and technology.
\u2014 Michael Ly, CEO, Reconciled<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Embrace technology.
\u2014 Taylor Macdonald, Senior VP, Channel, Sage Intacct<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Abandon the belief that whatever worked in the past will work in the future. To prepare for the future, accountants need to be willing to flex and adapt rapidly to technological advances.
\u2014 Janice Maiman, EVP \u2014 PR, Communications and Content, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

You don\u2019t have to know how to code, run .SQL queries, or design an API, but you should probably know enough about technology to understand its importance in modern tax compliance. Whether you serve a global manufacturer, national retailer or online business, tax compliance is growing more and more complicated every day. The rules and regulations shift frequently. Knowing the fundamentals of tax compliance will help accountants do their jobs better in a global, connected world.
\u2014 Chuck Maniace, Vice President of Regulatory Analysis & Design, Sovos<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Like many industries, true leadership skills are generally absent from the profession. Accountants should not only focus on the technical skills of the profession, but also develop relationship skills that can be used to coach teams and position themselves as trusted leaders. Those leaders will soon be mentors to others that will develop and bring the necessary change that will be identified in future years. We must now move past the concept of \u201cthought leadership\u201d and graduate to clear vision, change management and support leadership ideas that are new to the industry.
\u2014 R. Sean Manning, CEO, Founder, Payroll Vault<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Go beyond the numbers and learn to think critically and communicate effectively.
\u2014 Harold Martin, Partner-in-Charge, Valuation and Forensic Services, Keiter<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Preparing for the future doesn\u2019t happen all at once, so take the first step in incorporating new technology solutions into your firm\u2019s workflow. The pace of that change will only continue to accelerate, and the firms that take action now will be better positioned to manage continuous change and pursue growth. Investments made today will pay off tomorrow with advanced capabilities such as AI and predictive analytics to provide clients with even more data-driven support and services.
\u2014 Jason Marx, CEO, Tax & Accounting North America, Wolters Kluwer<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accountants do not respond well to big changes, so I would recommend they start with one improvement at a time and work their way to automated technology. Beyond reading everything and staying apprised of the changes, the easiest and most accessible first step for everyone is with process; accountants need processes documented that do not rely on paper.
\u2014 Liz Mason, Founder and CEO, High Rock Accounting<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

I would never underestimate the value of keeping an open mind. The accounting profession looks drastically different from when I started working; the way in which people work, technology and regulatory environments are constantly moving. Approaching change with an open mind will help all generations work together cohesively and learn from each other.
\u2014 William Mayer, Partner, RitzHolman CPAs<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Develop a strategic plan, starting with completing a TOWS Matrix (threats, opportunities, weaknesses, strengths).
\u2014 Chuck McCabe, CEO, The Income Tax School & Peoples Income Tax<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

It is essential to recognize and accept the accelerated pace of change taking place in the profession. It\u2019s not an exaggeration to say that the future is arriving faster and more unpredictably today than ever before. It\u2019s the new normal, and it represents untold opportunities for accounting professionals.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accountants should make a commitment to gaining a baseline understanding of new technologies that will have the greatest impact on the profession, from cloud-based apps utilized in client accounting services, to blockchain and the ramifications for AI in the tax world. Only then can professionals truly begin to envision and plan for their place within this next phase of growth in the profession.
\u2014 Scott McFarlane, Co-founder & CEO, Avalara<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Take the next step on the cloud\/platform\/automation\/advanced technology journey \u2026 your competitors are.
\u2014 Jim McGinnis, EVP and General Manager, Professional Segment, Tax & Accounting North America, Wolters Kluwer<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

You can either let the changes in the profession lead you, or you can determine your destiny and lead your direction. I ask that you be open to exploration! Create time in your schedule for exploring new technologies, business practices, and marketing strategies. Invest in yourself and your business. You are so busy helping other businesses succeed, and you need to schedule in some of that time for yourself and your firm. How can you automate? How can you streamline processes? How can you adopt new technologies that will make you and your clients\u2019 lives better? How can you grow deeper in your services and your offerings with your current client base versus working tirelessly to obtain additional clients?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

If you don\u2019t allow yourself time to dream about your own firm and future, it will take you longer to pivot, grow and create a path that brings you both joy and the success.
\u2014 Misty Megia, Global Head of ProAdvisor Program and Education, Intuit<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Embrace technology and adopt a nimble mindset. The skillsets and competencies that bring you success today will need to be continually re-evaluated and updated.
\u2014 Barry Melancon, President and CEO, American Institute of CPAs; CEO, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Be aware of the changing business and social environment. Expand your circle of acquaintances, knowledge and inquisitiveness, read more \u2014 fiction and nonfiction books and all sorts of magazines, attend trade shows, look at the magazine racks in airports and book stores to spot nascent trends, and look for changes, i.e., differences, wherever and whenever you are doing whatever you normally do.
\u2014 Ed Mendlowitz, Partner, WithumSmith+Brown<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Embrace technology for both security and automation. If we can minimize compliance time while being able to provide more value-added services for our clients or owners, we will all win. At the same time, protecting client information is imperative.
\u2014 Mark Mirsky, Managing Director, ROI Business Services<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

The No. 1 thing you can do to prepare is to understand the factors that might shape the future, and decide how you will adapt. The two biggest factors I see are:<\/p>\n\n\n\n

1. Compliance automation through artificial intelligence.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

2. Changing expectations clients have for highly skilled professional service delivery.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Change doesn\u2019t happen overnight, but it also doesn\u2019t happen without intention. Ask yourself how you\u2019d like to operate in this \u201cfuture\u201d we\u2019re all talking about. Then, tackle this problem the same way you\u2019d coach your clients to tackle any problem. Chunk it into smaller pieces and start working on each.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

QuickBooks has great tools to help you leverage automation to optimize the way you keep books clean and accurate, if I may say so myself. Hundreds of thousands of accountants have chosen to start there.
\u2014 Ariege Misherghi, Leader, Accountant Segment at Intuit, Intuit<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Broaden their perspective on the role they play in helping clients succeed by developing holistic business acumen and consulting skills that enable them to facilitate collaborative conversations with clients to solve their key issues.
\u2014 D. Scott Moore, Shareholder and EVP, The Rainmaker Companies<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

As cheesy as it sounds \u2026 Find your passion. Find the niche or the industry or the work that makes you super-excited to get out of bed. Because knowledge simply isn\u2019t enough anymore. Credibility isn\u2019t enough to win and retain the best clients \u2014 they are really looking for trusted advisors who live, breathe and think their industry all day. And it\u2019s hard to fake it. Encourage your young people \u2014 staff, seniors, etc. \u2014 to do the same. The earlier in a career that someone can find their \u201cthing,\u201d the more likely they are to pursue business that excites them which leads to retention as well.
\u2014 Adelaide Ness, EVP, The Rainmaker Companies<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

What I would recommend accountants do to prepare for the future would be to develop their IT skill sets. The world is becoming virtual. Millennials and Gen Z people are all digital natives. Gen X and Y must be able to communicate in the language, style and culture of their future clients and that will be digital. Accountants must perfect their soft skills. They must learn how to communicate with successors to their existing clients. Additionally, I\u2019d suggest to my baby boomers they must learn how to retire gracefully and still remain relevant.
\u2014 Jay Nisberg, President, Jay Nisberg & Associates<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Always be looking for the intersection of what you are good at, what you love to do and how you can solve a problem\/fill a need\/help the world. This intersection is the sweet spot where you can do what you love, make a sustainable living and a positive contribution to the world. Never stop making that evaluation.
\u2014 Carol Spindler O\u2019Hara, Consumer Products Industry Leader; Partner in Charge, North Bay, BPM LLP<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Study the field of customer experience. In the past, I would have said that accountants should embrace technology, but I\u2019ve learned since then that technology is but a means to an end. The end, at least as far as public accounting is concerned, should be an improved customer experience. Historically the customer experience of CPA firms is pretty terrible, so any accountant who learns how to create a good one will likely be successful.
\u2014 Blake Oliver, Co-Host, Cloud Accounting Podcast<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Go back to school and take a data science for accounting or data analytics for accounting class. It\u2019s a whole new exciting way to solve real-world business problems. One can find a professional to do \u201cthe math.\u201d But until you do the math at least once, it\u2019s hard to understand the power or application of data. It\u2019s now a requirement for most accounting degree programs.
\u2014 Jody Padar, CEO and Principal, New Vision CPA Group<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

I would highly recommend accountants hire, contract, or partner with a tech-savvy individual or firm. Trying to learn a new field such as software development, API integrations, machine learning, or robotic process automation sounds great in theory but is unrealistic in practice. To think accountants will have not only the time to keep up with current demands of their profession but also simultaneously learn a new subject matter and then have the time to build, implement and\/or deploy that software in their firm is highly unlikely. In contrast, firms that I have seen implement new software and technology most successfully and achieve the greatest results, have all had assistance from a tech-savvy employee, partner or consultant.
\u2014 Enrico Palmerino, CEO, Botkeeper<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

I believe personal development is essential in the areas of leadership and critical thinking. I believe accounting education and professional training has numerous gaps in these two learning areas, as they will be essential to support the automation and technology advancements happening right now.
\u2014 Erik Parrish, Fractional CFO Services Practice Leader, Kernutt Stokes LLP<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Adoption of technology and cyber security
\u2014 Nicholas Pasquarosa, Founder and CEO, Bookkeeper360<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Embrace change and not to be fearful. \u201cBeing comfortable with being uncomfortable\u201d \u2014 we have a wonderful opportunity!!!
\u2014 Anant Patel, Partner and Head of Advisory Services, Green Hasson Janks<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Recognize that you need to do only the work that technology cannot do. Use your hands less and less to process the work and more and more to create communications that deliver the impact of your expertise and insights to the benefit of your clients. Be great with words too, not just with numbers. Recognize that you have the powers not just to \u201creport\u201d but also to transform your clients\u2019 businesses and hence, the lives of people.\u201d
And to do so, it is critically important for accountants to not only leverage technological advances but also to deeply understand the core human needs and wants that drive the behaviors and practices of their clients and prospects. That will help you \u201cconnect the dots\u201d for your clients to provide customized, relevant, timely and impactful advice and guidance to your clients.
\u2014 Hitendra Patil, Director of Practice Development, AccountantsWorld<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accountants need to focus. They must be diligent within their practice niche, to know and be ready to implement the latest trends, technology and changes impacting their clients and services lines. At the same time, they must leverage outside relationships with other firms to provide the best client service.
\u2014 Carl Peterson, Vice President of Small Firm Interests \u2014 Firm Services, AICPA<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

There are two things. First, the automation of everything. Millennials never use paper and expect to be able to do business on every device. Second, getting their clients to understand the business cycle so they are prepared for recessions when they occur and to capitalize on them when they end.
\u2014 Scott Peterson, Vice President of U.S. Tax Policy and Government Relations, Avalara Inc.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

We own a blog that is read by 80 percent of millennial CPAs every month, so we spend a lot of time with young CPAs. If I had one wish for them it would be to invest in their own skills around selling, managing people, and being on teams. There is so much career opportunity for CPAs who have these skills.
\u2014 Jeff Phillips, CEO, Accountingfly<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

The one thing I recommend accountants do to prepare for the future is to be aware of what is happening in the profession and act upon macro trends like technology and upskilling. Read industry publications, attend progressive conferences, and add your voice to the discussions through committees and events. Develop interpersonal and presentation skills. The professionals who can communicate complicated ideas and lead teams are the ones who will continue to succeed and best adapt to change like technology advancements.
\u2014 Elizabeth Pittelkow Kittner, Head of Finance, International Legal Technology Association<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

We are living in extraordinary times where technology is revolutionizing the profession. Increasingly, technology will render traditional compliance-focused activities more automated, more commoditized and less valuable. I would advise accountants to look at and listen to their clients, evaluate the skills and expertise they can bring to those clients, and begin to pivot from compliance-focused activities to planning and advisory activities. The CPA\u2019s role as the trusted advisor has more value today than ever before, and that will only keep growing as the profession evolves. Those are the jobs that robots can never replace.
\u2014 Amy Pitter, President and CEO, Massachusetts Society of CPAs<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accountants need to plan for how technological innovation will change the profession and the financial reporting environment, and how the profession can be proactive in responding to those changes.
\u2014 Terri Polley, Immediate Past President and CEO, Financial Accounting Foundation<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Gain new competencies and applied knowledge of newer technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, advanced analytics, data science, and data visualizations so that they are equipped to compete in an increasingly complex market with significant non-CPA competition eroding the profession\u2019s market share and market permission.
\u2014 Anthony Pugliese, CEO, California Society of CPAs<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Firms need to make a choice: Will your firm adapt to the changes coming down the road or should you hitch your wagon to a firm better equipped for the future? In simple terms, you should be moving from dependence on compliance-based services to consulting and advisory services. Failure to do this could lead to a less lucrative future for your firm.
\u2014 Terry Putney, CEO, Transition Advisors<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

In our industry, we\u2019ve been hearing a lot about advisory and how firms should get out of compliance. However, I don\u2019t see it as one over the other because the reality is, the need for compliance services isn\u2019t going anywhere \u2014 it\u2019s the foundation of any firm.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

To prepare for the future, I think practices should embrace the cloud and get their compliance online. By doing so, they\u2019ll have more free time, become more efficient, and be able to connect with clients more regularly. Technology is making online compliance easier than ever and that\u2019s really exciting. Now, tasks that previously may have taken several hours per week can now be completed in a fraction of that time.
\u2014 Ben Richmond, U.S. country manager, Xero<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Focus on creating a client experience that improves their clients\u2019 lives.
\u2014 Darren Root, CEO, Rootworks<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Recognize that you are creating a firm, not a job. Firms have rules and processes that they should follow. The client is not the one in control, the owner of the company is.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The biggest piece of education that is never taught is how to have confidence in yourself, your processes, your pricing and your business. Confidence above all else is what I help people and firms find.
\u2014 Richard Roppa-Roberts, The ProAdvisor Advisor, Quasar Cowboy<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

My recommendation is to stop focusing on the billable hours and become focused specifically on client goals, objectives and what matters most to clients. Once the CPA has identified what is important to the clients, CPAs can design their services to revolve around their clients’ priorities. Once they master this, they can become fully planning-intensive versus transactional.
\u2014 Louie Rosalez, President, HK Financial Services<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

First, understand that interpersonal and communication skills will always be more important than technical skills in determining career advancement and success, regardless if it\u2019s in public accounting or other businesses. Caveat: Do not misinterpret this statement as meaning that technical and technology skills are unimportant. People must develop technical skills in the CPA firm world because they are more like ante to get into the game.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Second, become as proficient as possible with all the new areas of technology like Blockchain, data analytics, machine learning and other areas that I am not smart enough to name. In my mentoring of accounting majors at universities, I am seeing many of them double-majoring in accounting and data analytics. The world will be their oyster for these students.
\u2014 Marc Rosenberg, President, The Rosenberg Associates<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Get yourself and others comfortable with change. The ability to navigate change and uncertainty, while helping others to do the same and drive results \u2014 will be the difference between whether or not businesses survive.
\u2014 Clar Rosso, EVP, Engagement and Learning Innovation, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Embrace change \u2014 that involves adopting a learning mindset to commit yourself to perpetually developing new skills and creating better ways to serve and anticipate your clients\u2019 needs.
\u2014 Charlotte Rushton, President, Tax & Accounting Professionals, Thomson Reuters<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Success is dependent upon adding value. That\u2019s true whether you are talking about nations, corporations, firms, or individual professionals. Find an area or specialization that you passionately enjoy and work to become the best in the world at it. You\u2019ll create great value for your clients and have fun doing it.
\u2014 G. Brint Ryan, Chairman and CEO, Ryan, LLC<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accountants of all levels should work to learn more about how digital technology can help them do bigger, better things in their work \u2014 and they should do what they can do digitally upskill themselves. And if their organizations don\u2019t provide the tools and technology for upskilling, they should push their leaders to do so!
\u2014 Tim Ryan, U.S. Chair and Senior Partner, PwC US<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

I recommend that accountants allow themselves designated \u201ctinker-time\u201d to explore technology and apps. Focus on understanding the flow of data and learn a bit of coding or find someone who codes to become friends with. Also, break stuff (preferably in a controlled environment). It is the best way to learn how to fix things and tap into your creative brain.
\u2014 Heather Satterley, Owner\/Founder, Satterley Training & Consulting and QB \u2018Appy Hour Enterprises<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

We are in an era where there is tremendous attention being paid to the client experience. I think it\u2019s really the same for any professional services industry discipline \u2014 if you are going to stay ahead of the curve, connect with clients, and position yourself as a leader in the field, you need to constantly be both self-reflective and aspirational. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Where are there opportunities to better serve your clients? Where are there outside threats (via competitors, technology, etc.) that might derail your practice? Over-confidence is a killer in any professional services profession. One must constantly take realistic stock of their position in the industry and their relationship with clients and strive to improve.
\u2014 Russell Shapiro, Partner, Executive Committee Member, Transactional Department Chair, Levenfeld Pearlstein<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

I can\u2019t limit it to one thing. My three are: Read, read and read some more; be intellectually curious; and be open to and embrace change.
\u2014 Todd Shapiro, President and CEO, Illinois CPA Society<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Build some capacity to do future-focused work. \u201cWe\u2019re so busy doing our jobs,\u201d Seth Godin wrote recently, \u201cthat we can\u2019t get any work done.\u201d In my mind, the \u201cwork\u201d Godin refers to is the critically important task of becoming future-ready. Many in our profession will tell you they don\u2019t have time for that kind of work, but that\u2019s not true. We make time for the things that are important to us, and I believe few things are as important today as becoming more future-ready. We must find time for that work.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

I tell anyone who will listen to adopt futurist Daniel Burrus\u2019s solution for building capacity: Make a one-hour appointment with yourself sometime this week \u2014 one hour to do something future-related. Read a book or whitepaper. Learn a bit about a new technology. Register for a program that will teach you a critical future-ready skill. Just one hour this week. Then, make it a recurring appointment on your calendar, so that it becomes a weekly one-hour appointment. Make the time to become future-ready.
\u2014 Bill Sheridan, Chief Communications Officer, MACPA and Business Learning Institute<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Stop avoiding looking at the future and take the time to understand the changes that are possible. Change will be occurring more quickly in the next couple of years and you need to start preparing now.
\u2014 Donny Shimamoto, Managing director, IntrapriseTechKnowlogies<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Continually invest in learning and training.
\u2014 Joel Sinkin, President, Transition Advisors<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Learn accounting apps \u2014 and become a champion at a select few that interest them.
\u2014 Heather Smith, Anise Consulting<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

To embrace technology and be proactive in seeking out every learning and development opportunity possible, no matter how challenging it might seem at first.
\u2014 Sean Stein Smith, Assistant Professor, City University of New York, Lehman College<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

With my background in the corporate outsourced accounting space, I was able to work with a variety of different companies, revenue sizes and accounting software. By having the experience of working in the trenches with different business clients, I was able to take this accounting approach to high-net-worth families who have a complex financial life, similar to a corporate entity.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

When you\u2019re starting out, it\u2019s great to get experience handling a variety of accounting tasks, industries and software. This is when you find out your strengths and interests to manifest your skillset to match your perfect career for the future.
\u2014 Anneke Stender, Co-Founder of TAG Bill Pay<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Continuously increase their knowledge of technology advances in the profession including AI, to better advise their clients on managing their businesses and spending less time with compliance services.
\u2014 Joseph Tarasco, CEO and Senior Consultant, Accountants Advisory Group<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

The future is now. The time for preparation has run out. You either get moving or get out of the way.
\u2014 Rick Telberg, Founder and CEO, CPA Trendlines<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accountants need to unlearn the old ways of preparing for a career in accounting and relearn new ways to thrive in the profession going forward. Younger professionals need to advance their knowledge of Excel\/data analytics and their communication skills to ensure a smooth transition to CPAs becoming trusted advisors. Excel needs to be included as part of accounting students\u2019 core curriculum.
\u2014 Ralph Thomas, CEO and Executive Director, New Jersey Society of CPAs<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Invest in the right technological products that will help you serve your clients better. Unfortunately, there are not enough options in the market currently for the auditing sector and hopefully that will change and we will see more technological products that firms can choose from.
\u2014 Sibi Thomas, Partner, MarksPaneth<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Keep learning and growing. Inspire others. Build followership. Understand that \u201caccounting\u201d has been redefined to = accounting + finance + operations + strategy + leadership + technology + data science + ?????
\u2014 Jeff Thomson, President and CEO, Institute of Management Accountants<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Every accountant should investigate the benefits of technology. We see a tide of excitement among accountants at companies of all sizes about the potential to leverage technology to have professions that they love. They are asking questions, researching technology, and recognizing that the old batch approach to processing is obsolete.
\u2014 Therese Tucker, Founder and CEO, BlackLine<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Eat, sleep, and breathe innovation and adopt a continuous-learning mindset. There is so much change happening in the profession, from AI to machine learning, technology is constantly evolving, and pushing us to evolve, too. Gone are the days when accountants were doing things manually \u2014 this means we must strive to always be students by upgrading our skillsets and gaining a better understanding of how emerging technology can be used to enhance our work. You can stand out among the crowd if you are ahead of the curve on innovation and technology.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

As CEO of Deloitte, I am personally focused on creating an inclusive environment of continuous learning, where our professionals are equipped with the resources and mindset to take on these new opportunities and drive innovation in our profession.
\u2014 Joe Ucuzoglu, CEO, Deloitte US<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

To be prepared for the future in this exciting profession, embrace learning all you can about technology. Stay abreast to technology trends impacting accounting \u2014 continually look for ways to expand your knowledge and understanding. Be the first to volunteer for opportunities in your work to be involved in new technology \u2014 it will be a career-enhancing move.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Technology will impact the accounting profession more than anything in recent times. The degree to which you immerse yourself in technology opportunities will positively impact your future in the accounting profession.
\u2014 David Vaudt, Chairman, GASB<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

One thing they should do to prepare is to educate themselves and their teams about innovations like artificial intelligence. AI is a rapidly maturing area of technology that is helping organizations capture top-line opportunities, save cost, and streamline the process. AI is helping finance teams transform operations and make decisions in a variety of areas, including quoting, billing, revenue recognition, receivables, payables, procurement, FP&A, cash management, treasury, and more. Of course, streamlining all of these areas at once is a non-starter, but the learning process will help finance and accounting leaders prioritize and sequence projects in a way that sets their teams up for success, balances quick wins with hairier projects and makes their organizations more resilient to the changes that are on the horizon.
\u2014 Kunal Verma, Co-Founder and CTO, AppZen<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Stay agile and open to change. We no longer can put processes and technology in place and walk away for 20 years before we need to review it again. It\u2019s important that we are always open to learning, no matter what stage of our career we are in. Be curious, find delight in the process of innovation, and create a culture that allows for people to try new things without anyone being branded long-term if a research initiative doesn\u2019t work out. If you create a culture that allows for everyone to equally contribute and provide ideas, it will create a workplace that everyone wants to be a part of, and a positive client experience that can\u2019t be matched.
\u2014 Amy Vetter, CEO, The B3 Method Institute<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Invest in themselves every day to grow the knowledge they have. They are responsible for their own future and they need to take control of it. This means soaking up all types of knowledge, not just technical knowledge. As we transition into our new roles as advisors, we need to expand our knowledge base.
\u2014 Garrett Wagner, CEO\/Founder, C3 Evolution Group, C3 Advisory, C3 Financial<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

I can imagine a time where accounting firms are operating almost like managed service providers \u2014 they\u2019ll be looking after a stack of software for businesses, charging a monthly fee and doing advisory on top of that. That\u2019s where I see the future. If you\u2019re an accountant or bookkeeper, you\u2019ll have to determine how you can become a business coach and bring yourself out of the basics of accounting. We know that accountants and bookkeepers are the most trusted source of advice for small businesses. They play a critical role in being a sounding board for business owners, help them make well-considered financial decisions, and feel in control of their cash flow.
\u2014 Tony Ward, President, Xero Americas, Xero<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accounting students should take every technology and critical thinking class they can manage to fit into their schedules. It is the future. Current accounting professionals need to choose an industry vertical to focus on and then get very, very good at it. The days of being a generalist are over. Having deep expertise in the nuances of a specific industry, staying relevant on current developments and trends, and understanding the dynamics of a particular marketplace will make you indispensable to clients in that industry and increase your value many times over.
\u2014 Jeffrey Weiner, Chairman and CEO, Marcum<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Ask more questions and get out of the office. Spend more time on site with clients really understanding the challenges they face and go to conferences (or find other ways to learn about all of the amazing changes that are providing new opportunities for our profession.)
\u2014 Geni Whitehouse, Countess of Communication, Brotemarkle, Davis & Co. LLP, Even a Nerd Can be Heard, Solve Services<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

You must consistently teach yourself new skills to remain relevant in the industry and be a motivated learner. For example, I would immediately learn how to become an ERP systems administrator \u2014 preferably NetSuite, as these solutions are critical for accessing the information accountants need to complete essential tasks such as closing the monthly books.
\u2014 Mike Whitmire, Co-Founder and CEO, FloQast<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Develop alignment among the leaders first, and then share with the others in the firm. A vision alignment at the firm level is absolutely necessary to prepare for the future.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Additionally, make sure you have the best information to build the vision and plan. Get educated!
\u2014 Sandra Wiley, President, Boomer Consulting<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Study the trends and really understand what is coming. Read from a wide variety of sources inside and outside the CPA profession to learn about the changes that NextGen talent and clients will bring to all businesses \u2014 not just CPA firms and finance departments. Understand both the threats and the incredible opportunities these talent, technology and client shifts will bring. Then, prioritize your strategies to prepare for the future.
\u2014 Jennifer Wilson, Co-Founder and Partner, ConvergenceCoaching<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Incorporate advisory services into their practices with the goal of making advisory their primary model in both brand and value proposition. Accounting practices can, and should, continue offering compliance, record-keeping and attestation services, but with advisory as the primary brand they differentiate the firm\u2019s brand within a crowded industry and insulate the firm from competition-driven pricing pressures.
\u2014 Joe Woodard, CEO, Woodard Events<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accountants are going to have to be re-skilled to be more tech-savvy. We all need to know more about technology \u2014 not only to use it for the benefit of our firms and our clients, but also to understand and assess the risks of data and technology systems.
\u2014 Candy Wright, Chair, Private Company Council<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Accounting is about data and being able to analyze it and tell its story. Accountants need to understand how to talk about numbers in a way to explain the importance of the data, the impact it has on business and how to use the data to help business grow and improve. Being able to just run the numbers is no longer what accountants are expected to be able to do.
\u2014 Diane Yetter, President and Founder, Yetter Consulting Services and Sales Tax Institute<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

The more interested and engaged accountants are in expanding opportunities in our profession, the stronger, more relevant and more influential our profession becomes. It is up to us as accounting professionals to understand the field enough that we can identify where there is room to grow, innovate, and expand our reach. This includes development of new ideas and content, and being responsive to the current financial landscape. There are multiple niches within the profession, and it is important that we continue to build those out, as well as identify new opportunities.
\u2014 Scott Zarret, President, CPAacademy.org<\/strong><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

As part of this year\u2019s Top 100 Most Influential People survey, Accounting Today asked, \u201cWhat one thing would you recommend accountants do to prepare for the future?\u201d The full responses of all the candidates are below. It can be too easy to get caught up in the hectic nature of everyday work-life, but it\u2019s critical […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":3,"featured_media":1382,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[5],"tags":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/1366"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/3"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1366"}],"version-history":[{"count":1,"href":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/1366\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":1367,"href":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/1366\/revisions\/1367"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/1382"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1366"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=1366"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/solonangel.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=1366"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}